ATLANTA – Manheim auto auctions in Texas have strengthened regulations prohibiting non-dealers from participating in sales.

The company’s eight auction facilities in the state have agreed to a new policy statement in conjunction with the Texas Wholesale Auto Auction Association. The policy is designed to comply with the Texas Motor Vehicle Division’s independent agent rules, and actually goes beyond the state’s minimum requirements in an attempt to keep non-dealers and unauthorized buyers from participating in the auctions.

“This really is nothing new for us,” said Barry Roop, general manager at Dallas Auto Auction. “Manheim has always had a clear dealer-only policy, so we aren’t changing in that regard. In conjunction with the state of Texas, we’re just proactively addressing the concern that some auctions in Texas are allowing non-dealers to participate in sales by better enforcing the regulations that were already in place, and by adopting new policies to help us more closely monitor the activity at our sales.”

Only licensed dealers and their registered agents are admitted into the auctions during sales, and each dealer or wholesaler must have his or her admittance badge displayed. Payments for vehicles purchased at auction must be remitted from the licensed dealer, not an agent, and titles will be assigned only to a licensed dealer.

“The wholesale auto auction environment is designed for specific audiences, and those audiences expect and deserve a level playing field when they come here to do business,” said Frank Post, general manager at Dallas-Fort Worth Auto Auction. “With this policy, we are making a statement about our intolerance for curbstoners and other violators.”

Each Manheim auction is making announcements at the beginning of every sale so that those who allow non-dealers to participate are aware of the resulting penalties. Signage is posted at the entrance and throughout the auction. A compliance officer spearheads the dealer-only enforcement efforts at each facility, auction employees comb the lanes to make sure each bidder is legitimate, and uniformed security guards check badges at the door.

Manheim auctions in Texas include Big H Auto Auction in Houston, Dallas Auto Auction, Dealers Auto Auction of Dallas, Dallas-Fort Worth Auto Auction, El Paso Auto Auction, Fort Worth Vehicle Auction, San Antonio Auto Auction, and Texas Hobby Auto Auction in Houston. All auctions in the Texas Wholesale Auto Auction Association have been asked to adopt the same policy.