SPOKANE, WA – ServNet Auctions has appointed industry veteran Larry Brasher to respond to the increased interest shown by independent auctions in ServNet affiliation and participation in AuctionPipeline. Brasher has worked closely with ServNet over the past several months to bring ServNet member auctions online with AuctionPipeline.
Designed and developed by ServNet Auctions, AuctionPipeline delivers live auction lane bidding, market reports, and a search engine accessing the combined inventories of independent auctions across the country to corporate remarketers and dealers. With AuctionPipeline, customers can source inventory, collect real-time market data, and transact business online.
Brasher, one of the founding members of ServNet, indicated that the introduction of AuctionPipeline has spurred a renewed interest in ServNet on the part of other independent auctions that recognized the benefits of participation on AuctionPipeline.
Brasher indicated that his first order of business would be to complete the process of bringing current ServNet auctions online with Pipeline. He will also meet with other independent auctions, in which location and market position correspond to the strategic goals of ServNet – to examine the benefits of ServNet and Pipeline affiliation.
“My goal is to create a truly national network of independent auctions with significant representation in every market area in the nation,” said Brasher. “We expect to add as many as 10 auctions by the end 2008.
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