Attendees to the Conference of Automotive Remarketing should stock up on plenty of ideas on how the remarketing industry can improve and prepare its operations for a vehicle market that’s transformed during the last three years.
To spark some industry brainstorming, the International Automotive Remarketers Alliance kicks off CAR with a series of three workshops Tuesday, March 28, where the hosts will engage the audience, whose input will tie in to more formal panel discussions the next day.
The IARA has driven progress with its professional development programs that IARA leaders will detail during a 1 p.m. workshop at Caesars Palace Las Vegas, site of the three-day conference March 28-30. Penny Wanna, the president of Auction Academy and the VP of administration at TPC Management Company, will lead the discussion on how companies can benefit from their CAR and ACT programs.
The workshop previews a deeper panel session on Wednesday, March 29 at 11:15 am where several IARA members will talk about how the alliance’s professional industry education has advanced their careers. See more details in this report on remarketing’s three big seals of approval.
Also at 1 p.m. March 28: Andrea Amico, founder of and co-chair of the IARA’ s Education and Compliance Committee, hosts a workshop on compliance challenges for consignors and auctions, given the heightened regulatory atmosphere across federal executive departments and agencies. Amico will address the specific challenges remarketers are facing as they figure out a steady stream of new rules.
Amico builds on that momentum at a general session Wednesday, March 29 at 3 p.m., “Industry Issues, Answers and Politics,” where he will draw out expert insights from three lobbyists and managers of industry-related legislative and regulatory affairs. See more details in this report: What’s on the Political Menu?
A third workshop at 2 pm on March 28, “Standards, EVs and Education,” looks at the escalating embrace of electric vehicles and how their momentum will alter the dynamics of fleet consignment and auction-dealer EV resales. Attendees can bring their questions and concerns about EVs to IARA hosts who are working on industry standards for EV-related handling and transactions.
That workshop serves as a prelude to a companion panel presentation at on Wednesday, March 29 at 10:30 am, EVs are Coming: How Will You Adapt Them to Remarketing Channels? Hear from a diverse roster of company executives who’ve been gaining firsthand experience with electric vehicles.
The Conference of Automotive Remarketing, held in partnership with the International Automotive Remarketers Alliance and the National Auto Auction Association, happens March 28-30, and includes a full agenda and exhibit hall spanning consignment, auction operations, industry economics and politics, auto transport, electric vehicles, digital technology, automotive recon, professional training, and more.
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