AutoTradeCenter (ATC) has launched an online remarketing program for Subaru of America, Inc. called SubaruSOLD (Select Off Lease Direct).

SubaruSOLD is designed to remarket Subaru’s off-lease portfolio to over 550 Subaru franchised dealers across the U.S. before physical auction. The program is comprised of a six-day process including online grounding, hosting of private and open auctions, plus a variety of backend services such as handling funds and title transfers.

Receiving dealers are offered a two-day first right of refusal whereby they can purchase the grounded vehicle at a set price on the private SubaruSOLD Web site. If they decline, the vehicle becomes available to Subaru’s franchise dealer body who can bid online for an additional two days. If the vehicle remains unsold after its period on the private site, it will then move to ATCs Open Auction Web site, where it becomes available to thousands of registered dealers across the country for an additional two days.