FREDERICK, MD – A continuing focus on strategic cooperation will shape Dave Angelicchio's goals for the NAAA when he assumes duties as its president. Angelicchio is among a distinguished group of ServNet owners who have served as president of the NAAA, including his two immediate predecessors: Bob McConkey, co-owner of DAA Northwest, and John Rea, owner of Rea Brothers' Mid-South Auto Auction.

His year as NAAA president-elect was a busy one, as he traveled from one corner of the country to the other, visiting with customers, talking to association members and working to promote an agenda of strategic cooperation that will shape his goals for the association when he assumes duties as its president. Angelicchio worked closely with this year’s president, Bob McConkey, and expects the collaboration to continue well beyond his inauguration as NAAA president during the association’s annual conference in San Francisco in late September.

“Bob and I spent a lot of time traveling this year, with NAAA Executive Director Frank Hackett, and I’m looking forward to another year of the same,” said Angelicchio. “I think the three of us spent more time with each other than we did with our spouses over the past twelve months, but it was well worth the sacrifice. It was very rewarding to sit down with so many members of our industry to get their thoughts on what the association should be doing, and I intend to continue those visits in the coming year.”

Angelicchio explained that his presidential agenda will, by design, continue many of the activities begun by Bob McConkey.

“At the beginning of Bob’s term, we agreed that we would develop a multi-year agenda,” said Angelicchio. “It’s difficult, and, ultimately, ineffective, to implement change in an industry like ours in just one year. So, we determined that I would be more active as president-elect, and Bob, in turn would continue his involvement as chairman of the board so that the work we began would continue to progress. President-elect Jay Cadigan and I will continue that same relationship. That cooperation will, I believe, help us as an association to affect the positive change that we seek.”

High on Angelicchio’s list of priorities is a project initiated during McConkey’s term as president: a new standard for electronic condition reporting and completing a revision of the arbitration standard. Future projects will continue to emphasize consistent standards, and may include auction certification, reconditioning, transportation, vehicle grading and on-line sales.

“The whole concept of strategic cooperation will take our industry to an entirely new level,” said Angeliccio. “Whether we’re independent or part of a corporate group, there is so much we can do together that can improve the auction experience for our customers without eliminating the competition. Standardized procedures make it easier for our buyers, make us all more efficient, and, in the end, keep our cost structures down.”

“The NAAA is taking its position as the leader in the remarketing business, and what we began last year will continue,” concluded Angelicchio. “As we work together, with a common focus, we will all benefit. Dealers will buy with confidence at any NAAA auction, which will in turn increase residuals….and that’s a win-win for everybody.”