GAINESVILLE, GA – The overall wholesale resale market was pretty stable the last week of April, according to a recent Beggs on the Used Car Market report by Ricky Beggs, Black Book’s vice president and managing editor. The segments with the greatest volatility were premium sporty cars which decreased an average of $178 and entry sporty cars which increased an average of $100.
Black Book has witnessed more variation among regions and auctions than it would normally see, Beggs noted. “This could likely be the effects of varying levels of unemployment and struggling economic conditions around the country.”
Another heart thumping market is that of older and collectible cars. “We may not drive these models every day, but they always bring smiles to the faces of the owners, and also those we may meet on the road,” said Beggs.
With all the concerns over the drops in 401(k) accounts and less available funds in home equity accounts, the collectible market of those vehicles included in the Black Book CPI guide have held pretty well overall.
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