CHARLESTON, SC - Keith Lelux, managing partner/owner of the Charleston Auto Auction, will serve as President of ServNet’s board of directors through 2009.

Lelux was elected to the board as vice president at ServNet’s annual owners’ meeting held last July, but assumed duties as president when Dave Zabel resigned his post upon the sale of his auctions to the Adesa Corporation. Lelux will be assisted by Jeff Brasher (Brasher’s Reno Auto Auction) who will serve as vice president, and Bruce Beam (DAA OKC) serving as secretary/treasurer.

Serving on the Board of Directors for the two-year term are John Brasher (Brasher’s West Coast Auto Auctions) and John Luce (Flint Auto Auction). Bob McConkey (DAA Northwest) is chairman.

Lelux steps into his presidential role as the ServNet group prepares to celebrate its 20th anniversary year with an aggressive long-term growth and development plan that includes the appointment of Pierre Pons of TPC Management as ServNet’s chief executive officer.

“As ServNet moves forward, it’s vital that the decisions we make provide value to all member auctions across the board,” said Lelux. “TPC Management was brought on board to ensure value for every member of ServNet.

Lelux explained that his goals for ServNet for the next two years are the outgrowth of a client activity and advisory meeting held last summer in Coeur D’Alene, Idaho. “As a result of our discussions with those customers who met with us last summer, ServNet’s board of directors has worked hard to formulate a strategy that reflects our pledge to provide the very best in auction service to our customers. When our customers speak, we listen, and we’re excited to roll-out our new organizational plan as we mark our 20th year as a group of what I believe are the finest auctions in the country.”

In addition to the organizational changes, Lelux indicated that he will focus on expanding the number of auctions participating in ServNet. “Our goal is to expand ServNet’s national footprint, and we’re actively seeking involvement by auctions in areas where ServNet isn’t currently represented,” noted Lelux. “We’ve developed a concise list of standards that all ServNet member auctions abide by, and we’re currently reviewing several membership applications. We expect to announce the addition of several new auctions in the coming months.”

Other than overseeing his own rapidly growing business, Lelux has also been an active member of the National Auto Auction Association. He has served on NAAA’s dealer affairs committee, independent auction committee and marketing committee, and in the Fall of 2008 will serve as President of NAAA’s Southern Zone.