ATLANTA – Auto Auction Services Corp. (AASC), providers of AutoIMS inventory management software, brings a new level of service to the auto remarketing industry using AASC technology. Electronic Data Interchange, (EDI) is a computer-to-computer exchange of structured information in a standard, computer process-able format. AutoIMS created a common auction-client connection so that once a client connects to AutoIMS they are immediately connected to 250+ auctions.

Each side adds or updates information to an existing record rather than duplicating the record multiple times. EDI saves data-entry time while reducing the chance of creating duplicate records that can occur when manually entering a 17-digit VIN number, according to AASC.

Results include:

  • Internal business processes are sped up rather than waiting for a person to find information and key it in.

  • When data is exchanged via computers accuracy is ensured as fields are automatically populated and programs can run verifications against the record.

  • Repairs can be completed sooner when condition reports and images are received instantly instead of through the mail.

  • Title handling and processing can be tracked via “the system” to eliminate selling delays.

  • Vehicles are offered for sale faster than ever before with far greater efficiency.

  • Data security can be greatly enhanced when data transmissions conform to encryption and privacy software.

    Data integration does involve the need for internal IT assistance. A client-side developer must spend a couple weeks to identify common data elements and create the EDI connection with AutoIMS. Clients who have moved data integration up on their priority lists have seen immediate benefits to save time, energy, and have data further upstream to be proactive. When data flows, and isn’t backed up awaiting manual entry, remarketers can focus on their core business, according to AASC.

    AutoIMS has also connected repossessions electronically to agents, thereby collecting information further upstream that flows directly to auctions and assists clients in moving vehicles between recovery and remarketing. Conversely, reporting encompasses the entire process into one transaction.

    “One client determined their need for EDI by calculating the number of assignments they manually enter on the web each month,” says Keely Smith, customer service manager of AASC. “High-volume clients stand to gain the most with system integration. Clients can then assign directly to auction, add inventory, delete and update vehicles records, add notes, send pricing information to auctions, and much more.”