CINCINNATI - Dealer Specialties, a provider of data and photo collection, inventory management, and data distribution services, has added Google Base to its list of Internet distribution partners. Automotive dealers using Dealer Specialties' data and photo collection and distribution services will have their new- and used-vehicle information posted and updated in real time on Google Base.

Nearly 500,000 vehicle listings from Dealer Specialties' customers are currently active on the search engine. Google Base allows consumers searching for a specific type of vehicle to enter in attributes, such as make, model, location, price, color, and year, and returns search results with a list of specific vehicles that match their criteria. Consumers can then link from the search result page to an inventory site page where more detailed vehicle specs are given.

Dealer Specialties' Vehicle Manager inventory-management tool allows dealers to enter, modify, and remove inventory at any time, which updates the information to Google Base and Dealer Specialties' 1,500 other partner Web sites and to the dealer's own Web site.