The tool offers shoppers the ability to view thousands of exterior and interior photos of hundreds of cars, trucks, and SUVs from their home or office. Shoppers can cycle through the manufacturer's available vehicle color choices with the click of a mouse.
Once consumers select a year, make, and model of the vehicle, they can access the photo gallery, which allows them to view multiple exterior photos (from 27 to 42 images per car), including front, rear, and side views at various angles, front and rear quarter panels, tires, mirrors, bumpers, and more, as well as a full set of interior photos detailing front and rear seats, dash boards, center consoles, and controls. Shoppers can also select the 360-degree viewer allowing them to view both the exterior and interior of each vehicle all the way around, from one side to the other, with the click of a mouse.
Shoppers can access the photo gallery by clicking on the “new” or “used” car link at the Web site's home page, selecting the year, make, and model of the car, and the “photos & 360 degree views” link.
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