As the technology equipped in cars continues to grow and evolve, data privacy will become a key concern for vehicles at wholesale. The remarketers of tomorrow will need to know how to properly deal with the information stored in vehicles.

The International Automotive Remarketers Alliance (IARA) is keenly aware of this issue and will be holding a town hall discussion on its current initiatives to ensure data privacy, such as safeguarding personally identifiable information (PII) and minimizing cyber security threats to the remarketing industry.

Faye Francy, executive director at Auto-ISAC and Andrea Amico, president of Jack Cooper Logistics, will lead this session, which will take place on the last day of the Conference of Automotive Remarketing (CAR 2018).

“If attendees are interested in how and what the automotive sector is doing to manage cybersecurity risk, then this is a must-attend panel discussion,” said Francy.

Francy joined Auto-ISAC in October 2016, as the company’s first executive director, bringing with her over 30 years of experience in government and industry, specializing in cybersecurity and complex systems.

Auto-ISAC, recently signed a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to collaborate and improve vehicle cyber-threat information sharing and analysis.

Amico has served as president of Jack Cooper Logistics since 2011. Previously, he served in leadership positions at NBC Universal and McKinsey & Co. Within the IARA, Amico has helped members stay informed on the legislative landscape of privacy applied to car data and cybersecurity risks. With his help, the IARA launched a study on “stranded data,” which was used to help raise awareness and drive action in the remarketing community.

“Consumer sentiment, legislative action, media attention, and technology are rapidly evolving when it comes to privacy and cars. The work we have done at IARA is industry-leading, and this session is a great way to navigate the emerging digital PII landscape,” said Amico.

Registration for the IARA Roundtable meetings and the CAR conference is open now. IARA committee meetings will begin March 5, the day before the official start of the CAR conference. Registration for a full conference pass will be $895 until midnight central time on Feb. 2, 2018, but will raise $100 the following day.