AutoIMS (Auto Auction Services Corp.) announced a new Sale Calendar module designed to give consignor users of an at-a-glance view of upcoming and recent auction sales. In addition, through the Sale Calendar, AutoIMS users can now take advantage of “Sale Snapshot” technology, which shows the run vs. sold percentage for each recent auction sale.

This system enhancement, available to all AutoIMS member consignors at no charge, was one of the top five ideas to emerge from Project Client Insight – an AutoIMS consignor advisory board. In this deployment of the Sale Calendar, users can see recent and upcoming sales in a familiar calendar format, organized intuitively by auction.

The Sale Calendar shows the number of vehicles sold and sale percentage for previous auction days, and number of vehicles set for upcoming sale days, including the percentage of vehicles with a floor price. A simple, color-coded interface helps draw the eyes of managers, field reps, coordinators, and others to areas that need attention. The data in the Sale Calendar is also hyperlinked, so users can drill in to customizable reports of the details for each calendar entry.

“The feedback on this new module is overwhelmingly positive so far,” said Joe Miller, Director of Customer Service for AutoIMS. He continued, “We are committed to increasing the value proposition of our core inventory management offering, listening to what the industry needs, and delivering against those innovative ideas.”

AASC CEO Mike Broe offered, “We are proud to offer this feature at the request of our consignors. The Sale Calendar is one of the items the industry told us would add value, and we are grateful for the ongoing support and trust our clients put in to AutoIMS by asking us to deliver for them. We don’t take that for granted, and we’re always delighted to offer new functionality as a way to express our gratitude.”

The Sale Calendar is a privilege-protected feature that consignor clients of AutoIMS can gain access to by calling AutoIMS Customer Service at 888-683-2272 or e-mailing