ADESA, a business unit of KAR Auction Services, announced that its subsidiary, Recovery Database Network (RDN), has partnered with Digital Recognition Network (DRN). The collaboration allows RDN lenders to access DRN’s SmartRecovery data from within the RDN system, simplifying the vehicle-recovery process.

SmartRecovery is a subscription service that provides vehicle-specific location information to lenders. This information, including 12 months of historical license plate recognition hits, map view, addresses and live vehicle sightings for six months, can now be uploaded seamlessly into RDN case assignments and then shared with recovery companies and agents.

Both companies see this arrangement as having substantial benefits for clients, which includes improved recovery results and increased efficiency with repossessions.

Direct access for existing RDN accounts means seamless connection to SmartRecovery intelligence with no need for multiple logins or different applications and no third-party billing.